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    When it comes to enhancing the return on investment of your e-commerce firm, search engine optimization (SEO) is important. Use SEO to maximize your resources while increasing your e-commerce website’s traffic. It is very important to work with a professional SEO company that provides high-quality and data-driven service to help your e-commerce business grow. From the moment your website goes live, you need to make sure that it is optimized to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

    Basic on-page SEO setup checklist

    A few tools may be necessary before getting started with your eCommerce website’s search engine optimization (SEO). While they will have no direct impact on your rankings, they might be quite valuable in assisting you in reaching your objectives.

    For setup, you’ll need to have the following on-page SEO features:

    Optimize the structure of the URL

    A properly constructed URL structure is critical to the success of an eCommerce website. It assists search engines in comprehending the content of the page and indexing it appropriately as a result.

    It is best practice for eCommerce sites to maintain the URL descriptive by adding the product category and collection name in the URL, rather than just the product name. Search engines will be able to grasp better the relationship between the product page and the rest of the site in this manner. This has a big impact on the page’s search engine rankings.

    Optimize the title of your product for SEO

    It is critical to establish distinctive and engaging product titles for both search engines and people in order to increase the click-through rate. However, in order to rank well in search results, it is also required to optimize it for SEO.

    Here are a few tips and tricks on how to write product titles that are search engine friendly:

    • Product titles should contain no more than 60 characters.
    • Make use of action keywords such as “purchase online,” “free shipping,” and others.
    • Product titles should include brand names.
    • Consider using keyword phrases in the title.

    Optimize the photos of your products.

    Images are the most valuable asset for an eCommerce website because they are the primary way in which shoppers see and compare products based on their image quality. Organic traffic to e-commerce sites is primarily driven by the results pages of Google Image Search.

    Optimize your product photographs for SEO by including Alt text and an image title to ensure that they appear in search results for targeted keywords. Google and other search engines utilize the Alt text and title to figure out what the image is about and how to rank it in their results.

    Another difficulty with photos is that high-quality images are large in file size, which slows down the page’s loading speed and, as a result, the SEO ranking. You can avoid this loss by reducing the image size to the smallest possible size while maintaining the visual quality.

    For Shopify users, the best Shopify image optimization app can help you locate the proper solution to compress your photographs and improve them for search engine optimization (SEO).

    Use one H1 tag on all of your pages.

    A page containing a keyword can have only one H1 tag for search engine optimization purposes. Search engines may believe that you are attempting to add extra keywords if you use more than one H1 heading in your document.

    H1 tags can be used for product titles, and additional heading tags can be used for subtitles and page headings.

    Make use of internal linking.

    In addition to employing internal links, you may increase your on-page SEO by using external links. Every time you produce a new piece of content, you can include internal links to the product or category pages on your website.

    In addition to the Related Products section and breadcrumbs on product pages, they are critical components of the internal link system.

    Additionally, while adding internal links, make sure that the connections include the “do-follow” tag, which allows Google bots to crawl and understand the relationship between sites.

    Include Schema markup on your website.

    Schema markup is the most recent method of SEO optimization. An example of this would be adding a code to your eCommerce website to assist the search engine in deducing the precise meaning of information contained on the page and providing more informed search results.

    Schema markup increases the click-through rate (CTR) and thereby increases traffic to your website.

    Using Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper, you can quickly and easily include Schemas on your website. It facilitates the process of graphically tagging and assigning values to each common property. Product characteristics given by Schema.org can be used to create rich snippets that are more complex in nature.

    Add breadcrumbs to the pages.

    This secondary navigation scheme allows Google to comprehend better how your website is structured, as well as the relationship between goods and categories on your website.

    And as indicated, breadcrumbs are vital for internal link structure, which in turn helps to enhance your search engine rating.

    Indexing that prioritizes mobile devices

    If you have a mobile-friendly website, Google now employs mobile-first indexing to decide your ranking, rather than relying on your desktop site’s content.

    Because mobile searches have surpassed desktop searches in terms of volume, you should make certain that your website and products are optimized for mobile devices.

    Make sure your mobile site has detailed, easily visible content so that customers who are interested in purchasing may find your goods quickly and easily.

    The most fruitful method of dealing with this is to build a responsive eCommerce website.

    This will enable your site to adjust to the screen size of the user’s device, reducing the importance of mobile-first indexing to a bare essential

    Avoid Duplicate Content at All Costs

    Google is always pushing unique, high-quality material, and websites containing duplicated content will be penalized as a result.

    If 60 percent of the information on one page matches the information on another, Google may consider the page to be duplicated.

    If you have many product pages for the same item but in various colors or sizes, those product pages may be considered duplicates from an eCommerce perspective, according to the FTC.

    This problem may be resolved by consolidating all of your options onto a single page, which will also make your website more responsive and user-friendly.


    When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), you have to be on top of your game all the time to avoid getting penalized by Google and losing ground in the rankings. Following the best practices outlined above will put your site at the top of the search engine results pages; therefore, it’s time for you to take the lead.


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