
4660 La Jolla Village Dr San Diego


    WPDriven, a digital agency, worked on making a website for a local dog training business in the U.S and Canada. They wanted to make a site that’s easy for people to use and helps the dog training business get more customers. It took them about two months to finish the project.

    The Product

    They made a website for a local dog training business. It’s a place where people can learn about the training services, read what others say about it, and contact them if they’re interested.

    The Problem

    People had trouble finding good dog training services online. Many websites were old or hard to use, so people couldn’t easily find the information they needed.

    The Goal

    The goal was to make a website that’s easy to use for people looking for dog training services. They wanted to make it easier for people to find the info they need, contact the business, and help the business grow.

    My Role

    I was a UX Designer at WPDriven. I helped figure out what people needed from the website and made sure it was easy for them to use.


    I had to understand what people wanted, make designs for the website, and work with the team to put those designs into the website.

    Understanding the User

    User Research

    We talked to people, asked them questions, and watched how they used websites to learn about dog training services. This helped us understand what they liked and didn’t like.


    People had a hard time finding good dog training services online. They wanted websites that were easy to use and had clear information.

    Pain Point

    People struggled to find good and updated information about dog training services. Websites were confusing, and it was hard for them to find what they needed quickly.


    Persona: Sarah, the Busy Professional

    Age: 30
    Job: Marketing Executive
    Needs: Sarah wants a good dog trainer but is busy and needs a website that’s easy to use.

    Persona: John, the Concerned Dog Owner

    Age: 45
    Job: IT Consultant
    Needs: John needs help training his dog but is confused by all the options and wants a website that helps him understand.
    Problem Statements and User Journey Map

    Problem Statement: People struggle to find good dog training services online, making it hard for them to choose.

    User Journey Map:

    1. People visit the website.
    2. They look for information about services and prices.
    3. They read reviews and testimonials.
    4. They contact the business if they’re interested.
    5. The Impact and Lessons Learned

    Making a user-friendly website helped more people find the dog training business. We learned that understanding what people need is important for making a good website.

    Project Information
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