
4660 La Jolla Village Dr San Diego


    As a digital agency, WPDriven took on the task of developing a platform for a personal health coach offering online services. The goal was to create a user-friendly website that would connect individuals with a personal health coach to improve their overall well-being. The project was estimated to take three months to complete.

    The Product

    The product is a website designed to connect users with a personal health coach for online coaching services. It provides information about the services offered, pricing plans, and allows users to schedule appointments and communicate with their health coach.

    The Problem

    Many individuals struggle to find reliable and accessible resources for improving their health and well-being. Existing online platforms may lack personalized guidance and support, making it difficult for users to achieve their health goals effectively.

    The Goal

    The goal of this case study is to design a user-friendly platform that facilitates easy access to personalized health coaching services. By doing so, we aim to empower users to take control of their health and achieve their wellness goals with the guidance of a qualified health coach.

    My Role

    In this project, my role as a UX Designer involved understanding user needs, designing intuitive interfaces, and ensuring a seamless user experience throughout the platform.


    I was responsible for conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and collaborating with the development team to implement design solutions that meet the needs of both users and the health coaches.

    Understanding the User

    User Research

    To understand the needs and preferences of users seeking online health coaching services, we conducted surveys, interviews, and usability testing sessions. This allowed us to gather insights into the challenges users face in managing their health and their expectations from a digital health coaching platform.


    Our research revealed that individuals often struggle to find personalized and reliable resources for improving their health online. They expressed a desire for a platform that offers personalized guidance and support from qualified health coaches to help them achieve their wellness goals.

    Pain Point

    The primary pain point for users is the lack of personalized guidance and support in their journey towards better health. Existing online resources may offer generic advice but fail to address individual needs and challenges effectively.


    Persona: Emily, the Busy Professional

    • Age: 35
    • Occupation: Marketing Manager
    • Needs: Emily wants to improve her overall health but struggles to find time for exercise and healthy meal planning. She seeks personalized guidance and accountability from a health coach.

    Persona: David, the Fitness Enthusiast

    • Age: 28
    • Occupation: Personal Trainer
    • Needs: David is passionate about fitness but wants to improve his knowledge in nutrition and holistic wellness. He seeks guidance from a qualified health coach to enhance his overall well-being.

    Problem Statements and User Journey Map

    Problem Statement

    Users struggle to find personalized and reliable resources for improving their health online, leading to frustration and difficulty in achieving wellness goals.

    User Journey Map

    1. User visits the website to learn about health coaching services.
    2. User explores different coaching plans and pricing options.
    3. User schedules a consultation with a health coach.
    4. User communicates with the health coach and receives personalized guidance and support.
    5. User tracks progress towards their health goals using the platform.

    The Impact and Lessons Learned

    Creating a user-friendly platform for online health coaching services helped individuals access personalized guidance and support to improve their well-being. Through this project, we learned the importance of personalized experiences in empowering users to achieve their health goals effectively.

    Project Information
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